The Software Intake Process (SIP): Requesting a New Software-Based Solution

NOTE: Any technology that needs to integrate with SAP data will be limited throughout the transition to Workday (January 1, 2025-August 1, 2028) and will require approval. Read more details on what to do before beginning the SIP process.

Are you looking to purchase or implement a software-based solution or medical equipment for a Johns Hopkins Medicine entity or department – including The Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation, affiliated hospitals, joint ventures, and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine? Review the types of requests that should go and should not go through SIP below. If you have questions about whether or not the technology you would like to bring onboard is appropriate for this process, please contact [email protected].

What types of requests should go through the SIP?

For the purposes of this process, software is considered any of the following types of technology:

  • Applications (e.g., office suites, database management programs, communication platforms)
  • System software (e.g., firmware, language translators, system utilities)
  • Driver software (i.e., software that enables standard hardware to function properly)
  • Programming (i.e., allows developers to develop, write, and test other software)
  • Middleware (i.e., mediates between application and system software or two different types of applications, like allowing Excel and Word to work together)
  • Hardware with a software component that impacts patient care delivery or interfaces to another Hopkins system (i.e. MRI machine that interfaces to PACS)

    1. New software  

    a. Regardless of price
    b. Any software purchased outside of JH mySoftware-Service Now Software Catalog  

    2. New services/content (excluding new education content in existing system, e.g., Krames) 

    a. Licensing for content to be integrated into existing software systems (e.g., embedding the Clinical Decision Support Questionnaire within Epic)  
    b. Portals or software related to service (e.g., training portals, vendor portals, maintenance software)  

    3. Software embedded with a device that requires patient data or any kind of integration should be reviewed 

    4. Existing software, if: 

    a. Expanding footprint 

    1. Additional module/application (Epic’s Compass Rose) 
    2. Additional functionality
    3. Additional sites, departments, uses (Adding Beaker at ACH)
    4. Additional users/seats

    b. Major change 

    1. Integration to an existing application 
    2. Platform change: Sunsetting old solution, replacing with new (Kronos -> UKG) 
    3. Delivery module: SAAS, on premise, hosted

    5. Research

    a. When there is software integration with a clinical system

    b. When the software may have an enterprise-scale impact

    c. When there is substantial overlap with an enterprise tool system

    d. Upon request of the study team/IRB/ancillary committees to review the software

    6. Renewals for software not previously reviewed by SIP.

What should NOT go through the SIP?

  1. New requests for:
    • Individual software that is available through the Johns Hopkins software catalog
    • Devices with NO software component 
  2. Existing software:
    • Contract renewal/termination/amendments, without expansion of products or services 
    • Consulting agreements for staff augmentation 
    • Standard upgrades to existing software with no new lines of service 
  3. Renewals previously reviewed by SIP with no major changes or expansion of the footprint
  4. Software embedded within a device that DOES NOT require patient data, integration with other systems, or affect patient care delivery
  5. Professional services agreements associated with software or IT implementation

Why are we implementing this new process?

Central IT@JH, working under the direction of JHM leadership, developed the SIP form to collect and streamline software-based solution requests from all Johns Hopkins Medicine entities and departments — including individuals from The Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation, affiliated hospitals, joint ventures, and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. This process allows IT to review requests, assign an IT project manager to each project, and guide you through the technology review process, which includes recommendations and connections to different departments (e.g., supply chain, finance, legal, and others). Our goal is to help you get the support you need throughout the process, to make sure the technology is a sound investment that can integrate (when appropriate) with existing Johns Hopkins solutions, and help prepare the request for leadership review and budget alignment. Ensuring these steps are followed will lead to a higher rate of successful acquisitions and implementation of IT systems and reduce risk in the IT environment, either from a cyber security or business operations perspective.

The software intake process supports Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Innovation 2023 Strategic Plan to Make Johns Hopkins Easy and Work Like One Organization.  

Will the SIP replace the existing contract process?

No, this process is the first step before the contracting process. Going through the SIP and receiving approval will streamline and simplify the procurement/legal contract process.

What are the main steps in the process?

Download the PDF of the technology review process

What guidance and support will the SIP group provide?

The SIP Team meets regularly with representatives from Finance, Supply Chain, IT, Legal, etc. to ensure projects are evaluated appropriately including, but not limited to the following:

  • Business Case
    • Risks to business and clinical operations identified
    • Validation of workflow and integration requirements
    • Business case and total cost of ownership development
  • Finance
    • Budget process coordination
    • Identification of upfront and ongoing support resources
  • IT
    • IT infrastructure requirements
    • Confirm cybersecurity checklist is completed and approved
    • IT policies on testing standards, cloud standards, medical device standards, web application security requirements, and RFP development
  • Supply Chain/ Legal
    • Determine if RFP already is, or needs to be, completed
    • Determine if negotiation has taken place, or if Supply Chain needs to be involved
    • Initial review of SOW / Contract & determination if legal needs to be involved

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